Quickstart Tutorial about CSS3 animations

CSS3 animations allow you to create visually engaging and dynamic effects on your website using only CSS code. Here is a basic tutorial on how to create a simple CSS3 animation:

1. Define the animation: To create an animation, you need to define a set of @keyframes that specify the styles at different points in the animation. For example, the following code defines an animation that changes the background color of an element from red to blue over a period of 3 seconds:

@keyframes color-change {
  0% {
    background-color: red;
  100% {
    background-color: blue;

2. Apply the animation: Once you have defined your animation, you need to apply it to an element using the animation property. For example, the following code applies the “color-change” animation to a div element:

div {
  animation: color-change 3s;

3. Control the animation: You can use other properties to control the animation, such as animation-duration, animation-iteration-count, animation-timing-function, etc. For example, the following code makes the animation run indefinitely:

div {
  animation: color-change 3s infinite;

4. Add some transition: To make the animation more smooth, you can add a transition property to the element, this will make the animation less abrupt

div {
  transition: background-color 1s;

5. Add some more complexity: You can also animate multiple properties at once, and even create complex animations using multiple keyframes. For example, you can animate the position, size, and rotation of an element.

@keyframes example {
  0% {
    transform: translateX(0) rotate(0);
  100% {
    transform: translateX(100px) rotate(360deg);

CSS3 animations can add a lot of visual interest to your website and make it more engaging for your users. Keep in mind that animations can also be heavy on performance and make the website less responsive, so use them with caution. Also, not all browsers support all the CSS3 animation properties, so make sure to test your animations on different browsers and devices.

I hope this tutorial helps you get started with creating CSS3 animations for your website!

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